Friday, October 29, 2010

Trying Something New

        It's all about the money. It's all about the oil. It's all about people just being too big for their britches and making other people suffer. It is time we all tried something new. Well, it really isn't so new since we have written directions on how to live. The new part would be following those directions. But that is beside the point. The point is we are in a whole lot of trouble as a world, a nation and as individuals.  Time was when humanity would not put up with things like they are today. But we have grown lazy and we just sigh and say what am I supposed to do? Aren't I just one person? That is true. Maybe anything you do won't make a difference. But doing nothing sure doesn't help. The least anyone can do is "to be the change you want to see."  The least anyone can do is not wait for someone else to take care of everything.
        This is what I am try something new. Believe me, it is an experiment and it is in its infancy. The blogging part is for me to hold myself accountable. It is to remind myself that I can do better, better for myself and for those around me and for the world. Okay, maybe it is too late. I can see. What I see is not very pretty. The place I called my "real home" has been turned into a toxic science experiment by BP with our government letting them get away with their crimes. War is everywhere and the economy is not getting any better for a long time. It may be "the end of the world as we know it." If that is true, we must be accountable to God and ourselves. We must live our lives as self sufficient honest people and if it doesn't fit in the world plan so what? We must not be quiet.